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F5D-Pylonracing News 2008

Internationale F5D Regeln 2008-2010 verabschiedet

Das "CIAM Plenary Meeting" wurde am 28.-29. March 2008 in Lausanne/Schweiz abgehalten. Bei der Vollversammlung der CIAM wurde ein Energielimiter mit einer Normleistung von 1000 Wmin (60kJ) in der Klasse F5D verabschiedet.

Neue Regeln für die Jahre 2008-2010

Diese neuen Regeln wurden am Samstag, den 29. März 2008 einstimmig von den Delegierten der CIAM Vollversammlung verabschiedet. Änderungen gegenüber dem aktuellen "FAI Sporting Code 2008" sind in der Farbe blau hervorgehoben. Die allgemeinen Wettbewerbsregeln für Elektroflug wurde um folgende Paragraphen ergänzt:

Effective 15.04.2008:

5.5.1 General Rules
(…) Energy Limiter
In classes where an energy limit is defined an energy limiter device must be used. The energy limiter cuts off the motor when the given energy limit is reached. The energy limiter is located in the electric circuit between the battery and the motor. The interruption must persist permanently or for a defined period of time.

5.5.2 Contest Rules
(…) If an infringement of energy limitation rules occurs the result of that round is discarded.

(…) Processing of Energy Limiters
The organiser of an event has to provide equipment for energy limiter processing. The competitor must have the ability to check their limiters prior to and during the contest.

Source: Minutes of March F5 SC Technical Meeting 2008, Emil Giezendanner, Chairman CIAM F5 Subcommittee.

Klasse F5D

Die F5D Wettbewerbsregeln wurden wie folgt geändert:

Effective 15.04.2008: Technical Specifications

a) Model Aircraft
Minimum weight ready to fly: 1,000 g
Maximum surface loading: 65 g/dm2

b) Battery
Type of battery Lithium-Polymer
Minimum weight of battery pack: 200 g
Maximum weight of battery pack: 400 g
The weight of battery includes soldering, insulation, cables and connectors.
Number of cells in serial connection: up to 5 (S)
Cells in parallel are not permitted.
Limitation of energy by an electronic limiter that stops the motor: max. 1000 Watt-min
The limiter is checked by the organiser during the contest.

c.) Energy Limit
The interruption must persist for a minimum period of 10 seconds. When the pilot has finished his race or has left the pylon course the motor may be switched on again.

Hinweis: Die nachfolgenden Paragraphen werden entsprechend umnummeriert.

Source: Minutes of March F5 SC Technical Meeting 2008, Emil Giezendanner, Chairman CIAM F5 Subcommittee.

Die Regeländerungen treten am 15. April 2008 in Kraft. Diese Regeln gelten auch für die Deutsche Meisterschaft in der Klasse F5D.

Zur Information für unsere Kollegen aus den anderen Elektroflugklassen hier darüber hinaus die anderen Entscheidungen des CIAM F5 Subcommittee.

Klasse F5B

Effective 15.04.2008: Model Aircraft Specifications

b) Model specifications:
Minimum weight without battery 1000 g
Type of Battery Lithium Polymer
Minimum Surface Area 26.66 dm²
Maximum number cells is 6 in series
Cells in parallel are not permitted
Minimum weight of battery pack 450 g
Maximum weight of battery pack 600 g

Limitation of energy is max. 1750 watt-min
The limiter is checked by the organiser during contest


d) Maximum number of battery packs to enter the contest: 1 pack per 2 rounds plus 1 pack for relights.
Repair of battery packs is permitted providing the cells used in the repair come from battery packs that were checked at the start of the contest for that pilot.


d) Starting order for world and continental championships: the starting order (…) team members.

Starting order for other competitions: Pending on the number of pilots and planned rounds the organizer may try to divide the random starting order of the first round by the number of planned rounds to fly and shift the starting order accordingly. E.g. 24 pilots, 4 rounds. Starting order 1st round: 1….24; starting order 2nd round: 7….24, 1…6; starting order 3rd round: 13….24, 1….12 and so on.

Source: Minutes of March F5 SC Technical Meeting 2008, Emil Giezendanner, Chairman CIAM F5 Subcommittee.

Klasse F5F

Effective 15.04.2008: Model Aircraft Specifications

Minimum weight ready to fly 1500 g
Minimum surface area 36 dm²
Maximum surface loading 75 g/dm²
Type of battery NiCd or NiMh
Maximum number of cells 10
Size of only cylindrical cells 1/1 SubC
Definition of SubC size:
Maximum diameter: 24mm
Maximum length (including pole): 45mm

Type of battery Lithium Polymer
Maximum number of only serial cells 4
Cells in parallel are not permitted
Minimum weight of battery pack 300 g
Limitation of energy by an electronic limiter that stops the motor max. 1300 Watt-min

The limiter is checked by the organiser during the contest.
Maximum number of battery packs to enter the contest: 1 pack per 2 rounds; 1 pack for reflights.

Repair of battery packs is permitted providing the cells used in the repair come from battery packs that were checked at the start of the contest for that pilot.

Source: Minutes of March F5 SC Technical Meeting 2008, Emil Giezendanner, Chairman CIAM F5 Subcommittee.

Die F5F Piloten beachten bitte, dass das Energielimit in ihrer Klasse auf 1300 Wmin (78 kJ) angehoben wurde. Ursprünglich war das Limit mit 1100 Wmin beantragt worden, aber einstimmig hat das F5 Subcommittee diese Änderung durchgeführt und den geänderten Antrag der CIAM Vollversammlung zur Verabschiedung vorgelegt.

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Erstellt am: 31. März 2008 FR

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